MS Science Virtual Classroom

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

VDA #7

1. What is the benefit of checking feces (poop, scat, dung, droppings) for hormones versus checking the blood of the animal?
The benefit is that checking the animal's feces helps you learn about its travels, diets, and health. While checking the blood of an animal just tells you about the animal's ancestry or body. Checking the animals feces helps you learn more about the animal physically.

2. What four things can you learn from an organism's droppings?
You can learn about the animal's travels, diets, and health. You can also learn about the species that exerted the droppings.

3. What hormone is produced when some animals are stressed or starving?
The hormone is called GC, or glucocorticoid. 

4. What did the researchers conclude contributed to the higher stress in orcas and how did the scientists come to that conclusion?
The higher stress in orcas happens when the number of the orcas' favorite food, the Chinook salmon drops. They concluded this because in August, when there was an abundant amount of fish in the ocean the levels of the oracs' GC dropped. 

5. Give two reason why dung beetles climb atop the balls of dung.
The first reason is that they climb on top of the animal's dung to eat in a quiet peaceful place  The second reason is that they climb on the balls of dung to keep their feet cool when they are hot, this is because the animal's dung is moist and the want to avoid hot feet.

6. What is the relationship between the Kakapo and the Hades flower?
The relationship was that the Hades flower fed the Kakapo, and the Kakapoo benefited the Hades flower because the Kakapo has whisker-like feathers that pick up pollen when they feed on the Hades flower. When the parrots transfer that pollen from fewer to flower it would pollinate the plant. The Kakapo could help the Hades flower thrive again.

7. Why is the Hades flower called "Hades" flower?
This flower is named after the Greek god, Hades, god of the Underworld. Since this flower grows underground it is named after him.